Vote On The Winner of Geekscape’s Kick Ass Contest!
Last night, Geekscape co-sponsored a Kick Ass themed event with Lionsgate films, CC2K, Comics on Comics and Meltdown Comics. I was pretty blown away by the talent on display (and not so much by others)! We Stickam’d the event live but for those of you who missed it, you can now see all of it right here and vote for the winner!
• The first place winner will get a pair of tickets to opening night
of Kick-Ass.
• Second place gets a $200 gift certificate to Meltdown Comics.
• Third place gets a pair of tickets to a Kick-Ass-themed burlesque show.
• Ten runners-up will get an awesome bag of Kick-Ass movie swag,
courtesy of the fine folks at Lionsgate Films
There’s action! There’s some comedy! You’ll find some music! Keep your eyes peeled for a young contestant and a girl in a dog costume doing fan martial arts! Some of these are really great!
Watch and vote here at Metdown’s website!