Transformer’s Bumblebee spotted in Burbank…
Just how does a mothafuckin’ Transformer spend their down time between shooting days?
How about sizing up the Hollywood competition.
A good friend of mine sent me this picture that they took this evening while sitting at a light in Burbank:
If you spent your first 3 miserable years in Hollywood as an entertainment industry runner, as I did, your road-trained eye could clearly makeout the intersection that Bumblebee is sitting at while waiting for the light to turn green. He’s pointed south on Buena Vista facing the entrance to the 134 freeway (and that bad boy is headed west once he gets on it).
I get a few things from this photo:
1) Bumblebee was deep in enemy territory ramsacking the Disney studios on Buena Vista (the charred remains could no doubt be seen in his left side view mirror).
2) Bumblebee’s next target is Universal Studios, just west off the 134. This little bastard is pissed after having to sit at a red and nothing’s gonna stop him.
3) 69 is just how Bumbelee rolls. If Arcee shows her purplish pink, motorcycle face anywhere NEAR Transformers 2, she is getting some serious Bumblebee action right up in her grill… and she better be ready to give it as well… ‘cuz that’s how you fucking roll in a Michael Bay movie… and there WILL be explosions! Bumblebee’s the man and he’s letting everyone know it like a 13 year old with a marker and a skateboard! 69 baby! Obviously, whoever got the plates for Mr. Bee also has the combined intelligence of both Bill AND Ted…
4) My buddy at Disney works way too damn late. The sun is almost completely set and he’s leaving work and heading home. The last time I hung out with him, I swear he had shackle sores on his wrists. And he wouldn’t take his shirt off and get in the pool because he had mouse-induced whip marks. It’s a tough business… this Hollywood thing.
So there you have it. Thanks to my brilliant deductive reasoning, you now know what a true Hollywood superstar does on his day off. And I hope to god that there was some Vince DiCola or Stan Bush music coming out of that little bastard because that Linkin Park song that you’ve heard a million times just doesn’t cut it on the mean streets of the 91521. And you know it doesn’t cut it in any Transformers movie either.
Ralph Apel, Erwin “Dirty Vato” Castillos and the rest of you Transformers loving Geekscapist mothafuckas. This post was for you. May your little, substandard entertainment loving hearts stay pure so that you never realize just how lame a movie that really was. I will always hate you for that.