
Geekscape Interviews David Dean Bottrell About ‘Sci-Fest’ : The Science Fiction One-Act Play Festival Which Opens Tomorrow!

Sci-Fest is back with a stellar line-up! What is Sci-Fest you may ask? It is a science fiction […]

Geekscape 365: Sci-Fi Festivities With Tim Russ And David Dean Bottrell!

Time to talk ‘Sci-Fest LA’, what makes great Science Fiction and some ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’!

Check Out ‘Gam3rs’ At The Hollywood Fringe Festival!

Gam3rs is a hilarious one man show about a guy stuck at his call center job, while he tries to lead an epic raid and is constantly interrupted by his coworker, boss and girlfriend.

Geekscape Theater Reviews: ‘Taste’

“You’re invited to the most disturbing dinner party of the year. Based on a shocking true story, two […]

Interview With David Dean Bottrell About ‘Sci-Fest’ : The Science Fiction One-Act Play Festival!

Los Angeles will soon be hosting their first science fiction one-act play festival called Sci-Fest! I was able […]

‘Gam3rs’ Is In Hollywood For One Night Only, Get Your Tickets Now!

‘Gam3rs’ is an awesome one-man show, that really features something for everyone!

Want To Have Your Own Batcave Home Theater?

Well, you may need some Bruce Wayne level income to afford it.