And it’s just a few weeks away!
We stand with Kojima as Konami lawyers banned him from The Game Awards. Josh orders a burger. Juan is in stereo and Shane is outraged by porn. ONLY on the Geekscape Games Podcast!
It’s a Skylanders Christmas!
If you walk without rhythm, you won’t attract the worm!
Josh get’s some pussy, Juan hates Dickens and Shane plays devils advocate? ONLY! On the Geekscape Games Podcast!
An official PS4 Remote Play application is coming to a PC or Mac near you!
We’re all sick. . . ONLY on the Geekscape Games podcast!
It’s gonna be the closest we’re gonna get to console Monster Hunter.
Does this change your mind on the upcoming headset?
Are you ready for another good ‘Assassin’s Creed’ experience!
And now the song is stuck in my head.
We’re up all night to get lucky.
Prepare to weather the storm.
Ain’t no party like a Jackbox party!
Josh dates a guy, Derek offends America, Shane plays and old game and Juan puts the lotion on the skin. ONLY on the Geekscape Games Podcast!
Study it carefully to ensure your survival and to discover what makes you S.P.E.C.I.A.L.
It’s as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced.
Start throwing money at your screen!
Roads? Fuck roads!
Get ready to lose your life to the weirdest party games around!
And is now only slightly more expensive than it was at launch in Canada.
Are you smart enough to survive the wasteland?
Insert Mammoth Joke
Game: J-Stars Victory Vs.+ Available For: PS4, PS3, PS Vita, (Reivewed on Vita.) Publisher: Namco Bandai Developer: Spike […]
November 10th can’t come soon enough!
December is too far, but the game looks great!
Now my Gandalf X Glados fanfic is canon!
All THREE missions of it!
I really wasn’t interested in this game when it was first announced. Now…I just don’t know.