Can these two save the JLA from being doomed to awfulness?
And it’s definitely not called ‘Man Of Steel’.
Two films get moved back and one gets moved up.
Word is that Warner Bros. are losing faith in the project and there’s a chance that they may just scrap it.
The fate of the DC Cinematic Universe all comes down to one man. A man of steel.
Including an even better look than before of Henry Cavill suited up as Superman in the upcoming film.
Check out three new images from some of this summer’s biggest blockbusters!
The previously seen new image from Zack Snyder’s ‘Man Of Steel’ has now been released uncropped and with an interesting description.
Just six months until release!
Why look back at the past when we’ve got a bright future ahead?
It’s almost entirely new footage, and it looks great!
Does the mysterious countdown reveal that we’re getting a trailer tomorrow?
Earth does not appear to be taking kindly to the Man of Steel.
Yet another ‘Justice League’ rumor debunked.
Will ‘Man Of Steel’ be the “jumping off” point for a shared DC Universe?
Looks like Superman will return in everybody’s favorite format!
With a full-length trailer set to debut very soon it is highly likely that the opening animation for ‘Man Of Steel’ has made its way online.
Leaked toy commercials show us what the villain may look like!
Jim Lee and Scott Snyder? We’re in.
Check out what he had to say!
When you finish reading this article…you have our permission to be disappointed.
One Superman title that fans may actually want to read.
Is Affleck going to be DC’s answer to Joss Whedon?
There are some rumblings around the water cooler regarding what DC and Warner Bros. have planned for Batman now that Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight Trilogy is done.
Composer Hans Zimmer has composed a track which will see all proceeds donated to the Aurora Victim Relief Organization.
Can’t wait to see an official full trailer for Man Of Steel? Well…we may just have a leaked version for you.
The official teaser trailer is now online!
Guardians Of The Galaxy! Winter Soldier! Man Of Steel! More!
WB may be revealing their upcoming film slate next month. Maybe even sooner.
By now i’m sure everyone has heard that DC realized that Marvel did something genius with ‘The Avengers’ […]