First 30 minutes of the remake we’ve always wanted.
Hiddleston Discusses Bond Rumors in Philly
Say goodbye Mr. Bond.
Whether you loved it or not, the opening sequence (and theme song) were fantastic! Now you can watch it over and over again!
Scott Alminiana gets shaken and stirred up by the new ‘Bond’ film!
Before hitting ‘Skyfall’ this Friday, why not take a stroll down memory lane? Here’s our retrospective of the Bond series.
007 reporting for duty.
007 is reporting for duty a bit earlier for that extra ticket cost.
Skyfall isn’t even in theaters yet but there’s word that Bond’s next adversary is already lined up.
Anyone want to go for me? So I can experience this vicariously through you?
Adele to sing James Bond’s latest theme and new posters get released!
You read that right!
Check out both the US and the international trailers for the next Bond flick, ‘Skyfall’!
“007, reporting for duty.”