Sony Plans More ‘Spider-Man’ Films And Spinoffs!
Briefly: There may be three The Amazing Spider-Man films currently in the works, but that’s not all that Sony has planned for the franchise.
During a presentation to investors earlier this week, Sony Pictures Entertainment Co-Chairman Amy Pascal stated that “We are going to access Marvel’s full world of Spider-Man characters, so be on the lookout for new heroes and villains.”
Deadline reports that Sony Pictures Entertainment chief Michael Lynton later added “We do very much have the ambition about creating a bigger universe around Spider-Man. There are a number of scripts in the works.”
The Spider-Man franchise is obviously a hugely popular one (so far grossing over 3-billion dollars worldwide), but did anyone else already feel as though Sony was getting a little sequel happy when they announced three new films at once? Now there are spinoffs in the works too? Does this mean we’ll be seeing a franchise-related film every six-months sometime in the next few years?
If all the films were high enough quality, then I’d be all for it. The Amazing Spider-Man was definitely a disappointment however, so I’m not really sure how to feel about this development.
Are you looking forward to more films in the franchise? What heroes or villains would you like to see receive spinoffs? Sound out below!