SDCC 2013: A Veteran’s Tips For Navigating The Convention, Plus Some Choice Panels!
San Diego Comic Con has been around for many years, but for me the geek exodus began in 2007. That first year was a blur; I can hardly recall what I saw or what I did. However, with each year that I’ve added to my belt, the experience of navigating the vast crowds, the convention floor and the Hall H line have become a way of life. The plan, -or lack of, because trying to plan every detail of the third largest convention in the world is tough. The reality is, for newbies, just go with the flow and try to pick a few things. For me that means a heavy investment of time in Hall H.
Last year I wrote a piece about the Comic Con experience, Press vs. Fan. I came up with the conclusion that I would rather forego the press tables (mostly happening at The Hilton next door) and focus on the fan experience, so with that in mind here’s a few panels I’m looking forward to, as well as some general tips.
Preview Night (Wednesday). The truth is… preview night is a nightmare. People go nuts. Either you have a plan and a mission (trying to buy an exclusive toy and score an exclusive giveaway) or you just let the crowd push you and pretend you are a leaf floating down a raging river. My crew have a mission. We divide and conquer with runs to Mattel, Dark Horse, and more. <If I tell you any more, I’d have to kill you> For an easier go of it – check out the TV pilots screening up in Ball Room 20.
Comic-Con and Warner Bros. Television proudly continue their annual Preview Night tradition, with exclusive world premiere screenings of the pilot episodes of three of the most highly anticipated TV series of the 2013-14 television season-Almost Human, The Tomorrow People, and The 100-as well as an encore presentation of the pilot episode of The Vampire Diaries spinoff series, The Originals, all in Ballroom 20.
Thursday: In recent years, Thursday has been the day that Con officials slated as the day to get the “Twilight” movie stuff over. This created some really happy campers, and some pissed-off ones. The unhappy ones complained that the “Twi-hards” had bought all the convention tickets and were making the convention even more crowded. The reality, the con is just massively popular. Anyway, this year there is no Twilight and so what did the officials plan this year in its place….what mega blockbuster will we be lining up the night before to sneak peek? ….NOTHING. I had been banking on having some sort of -get it over- blockbuster – lets-kick-things-off Hall H panel but this year the opening panels include:
Ron Diamond (program curator, president of Acme Filmworks and presents the best and newest in international animation. Included is Disney’s Oscar winning Paperman along with 10 animated shorts culled from the most notable festivals from around the world. Shows annually at Pixar, Dreamworks, Disney, ILM, Blue Sky, Sony, EA, UCLA, SVA, USC, SCAD, NYU, RISD, Harvard and CalArts.
Thursday July 18, 2013 11:50am – 12:50pm
Early AM Best Bet – Check out hottie Josh Hollaway from Lost – and the panel the features his new TV show “Intelligence” – As a matter of fact – Ball Room 20 has the coolest big bang – for your back all day Thursday.
Afternoon: However, it may be worth the fight – OR NOT – of heading back over the Hall H after lunch – getting in line – and trying to get in for Ender’s Game and Divergent. Harrison Ford will be on deck as well as that awesome young actor from True Grit, Hailee Steinfeld, as well as Abagail Breslin. Ender’s Game pictured below.
In recent years I’ve seen a lot of cool celebs on Friday. At times, my entire crew has defected to the convention floor and smaller -but noteworthy- panels while I’ve stuck it out in Hall H. It’s a tough call because you want to see all the stuff, but then there’s that actor or director that comes out and makes it all worth it. In recent years I’ve seen Steven Spielberg and Peter Jackson on the same panel… followed by Francis Ford Coppola (even had a chance to tell him that I liked his wine! …and I was standing 10 feet from Val Kilmer for about 20 minutes and didn’t even recognize him!)
Friday: I’ll definitely be in the front of Hall H (foregoing my round table experience at the Hilton) to see Simon Pegg and Nick Frost discuss The World’s End. No, it’s not another Pirates movie – it’s a comedy starting at 10 AM.
12:15 – Kick-Ass 2 and Riddick – First off. Loved Kick-Ass. Loved the panel for it a few years ago at SDCC and I can’t wait for it this year, but I will miss Nic Cage but even better is VIN DIESEL and the chic from Battlestar Galactica and the small but cancelled show Bionic Woman – Starbuck herself – Katie Sackoff. Ok, back to Vin Diesel. The epitomy of cool will be talking Riddick. As a fan of both movies, and the cartoon, I’m definitely down. The director David Twohy will be in attendance as well.
Other panels that day include The Walking Dead, which should be ok. I attended last year in the same slot. Next up is Game of Thrones, – saw it last year – same slot. Then Sony Pictures will show off their new stuff, including The Mortal Instruments: City Of Bones – which to me looks pretty good (writers note – I am a young adult writer… so a film like this appeals to me but I know most of my geek friends cringe at the thought!).
However… hang in there because Sony will be showing off ROBOCOP! Loved it as a kid. Loved Peter Weller… loved the whole thing, can’t wait for the reboot. Samuel L. Jackson will be in effect… WILL HE or WON’T He – drop the “F-Bomb”???? I Hope he does!!!
They will also be showing The Amazing Spider-Man 2… – ugh. I know they were losing the rights to remake it – but DAMN, couldn’t we just have had a few more years without it? Cast appearance has not been announced but last year Andrew Garfield showed up in the audience wearing a low-budget spidey costume… and then pretended to be a fan and ask a dumb question. It went over well, and I loved it – but later in the elevator at The Hilton – his press rep (or whomever represents him) was going off about how “F’-ing this” and “F-ing” that went, and causing a commotion in the elevator with everyone listening to his tirade on the phone all the while my ten year old niece stood there silently with huge eyes… shocked at the profanity rolling out of this guys mouth. Oh wait, that was 2 years ago! These things just roll together somehow after a few years.
Now for the biggee of the day!!! METALICA !!! yes, you read it right. The headbangers from back in the day are hosting a panel for their new 3D / IMAX movie Through the Never. All four band members will be in effect.
Saturday: Only a few die-hards like myself will be making it in to the famed Warner Bros. and Legendary Pictures line-up.
I can’t wait to see what a year has added to Godzilla. Last year’s tease – literally BLEW MY SOCKS off! Actually, the entire Saturday program last year blew my pants off! The insanity of Will Farrell and Zack G showing up unannounced, The Hobbit, with it’s HUGE triple wide screens, as well as Geekscape friend Travis Beacham’s Pacific Rim just utterly made the convention for me last year.
Besides Godzilla, we are looking at Seventh Son (fantasy adventure – one of my favorite genres!) with Jeff Bridges (will he be in person – not sure) and Julianne Moore…. as well as cutie from Game Of Thrones – Kit Harrintgon (Jon Snow) and the very sexy Djimon Hounsou.
Followed by 300: Rise of an Empire which stars of course – “Women who KICK ASS” Lena Heady (one of my favorite lady actors right now).
Gravity: Starring Sandra Bullock and George Clooney (highly doubtful they will be showing up and it’s not noted they are scheduled) however… I remember a few years back when Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie showed up for The Tourist. (or was it… her that showed up for Salt?) Anyway, you never know. If they say there are coming – then the already popular – INSANE day in HALL H would just be R I D I C U LO U S with fans!
Lego Movie – I have nothing interesting to say about this title except Will Farrell, Elizabeth Banks, Will Arnett, Liam Neeson and Morgan Freeman. If any one of them shows up (which I’m sure at least one will) then we are money! None are officially on the schedule… but a little birdie tells me we will be seeing at least one of them. BTW: I once rode a ski lift in Canada with Liam Neeson… nice guy and big!
I know you think this is just awesome but the day is just getting started…
Lionsgate will be showing off I, Frankenstein. with Aaron Eckhart (Two-Face himself!). Can’t wait. The original “Frankenstein” story has so much heart and can still be molded into a story that has meaning today. Can’t wait to see what they’ve come up with.
And then also The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (the best book in the series – hands down). Will the cast be in attendance? Not sure. It’s not listed… c’mon Lionsgate – at least give us an exclusive souvenir or t-shirt!

Fierce, fearless and flat-out fantastic, these female actors have left fans breathless. Michelle Rodriguez (Fast and Furious franchise), Orphan Black‘s Tatiana Maslany, Danai Gurira (The Walking Dead), and others open up about the power and privilege of playing women who redefine the rules and refuse to yield.
Incidentally – my wish list actress for this panel would be Sigourney Weaver… however I did see her a few years a go for the “Paul” panel and I loved her! She is ultimate “Kick Ass” actress for me. It would be hard to beat Aliens 2 and Sigourney’s role in it (as well as all the Aliens movies).
20th Century Fox – hasn’t announced their line-up officially on the schedule. but they have blocked 4:14 – 5:45.
6:00 – 7:00 Thor: Dark World and Captain America: The Winter Soldier – “Many surprise guests” listed as who will be in effect.
7:15 After that panel Kevin Smith takes over fielding questions about Clerks 3 and other stuff. I will probably bag out for this.
Sunday: is kids day at the con. Thank God, they outlawed strollers on the convention floor this year. I have been run over, run down, and banged up by those things the past few years and people with their small kids are just out of control on the convention floor. It’s crowded but do you have to use your kid as a ram!? The floor will be packed with lots of kid friendly giveways but other booths will be getting the frantic pass it out – or haul it out – souvenir giveaways. All three days previously they’ve been on reserve…. having to make all the frebbies last…. Sunday is a free for all. Especially around 1 PM. It’s not guaranteed that you will score some uber cool stuff, but instead of giving you 1 item – they will suddenly be giving you several.
Best Bet – Summit and Lionsgate give out the coolest stuff. They change it up every hour, so keep going. Also, it’s a great day to get autographs (free ones) on the floor. Not in the mood for an autograph – just walk by. Tons of TV celebs will be posted every hour, at different booth signing and meeting fans. Just be prepared for families that create walls that block you from walking around. Imagine that irritating RV driving down the 101, and no lanes to pass – FOR MILES! That’s the convention floor on Sunday. The good and the bad of it. Sunday has always been a day that I have nabbed a lot of swag. Go for it.
Be sure to let me know about your experience on Facebook at or follow me on twitter at! You can also meet me in person camping out in the Hall H line – Friday night!