Only Lovers Left Alive

Only Lovers Left Alive

Written and Directed by Jim Jarmusch

Cast: Tom Hiddleston, Tilda Swinton, Mia Wasikowska, John Hurt, Anton Yelchin, Jeffrey Wright

Just when you thought that vampires have already been shown and re-imagined in every which way in modern cinema, along comes Only Lovers Left Alive.

In his calm, slow story telling style, Jarmusch presents the “other” vampires. Those not engaged in internal conflicts but those savoring every bit of art and culture available. Those, whose only luggage is books. And those, who have perhaps initiated or contributed to the best works of art across centuries. We, mere mortals are the “zombies” from their point of view. Contaminating ourselves, our planet and discarding and discounting so many profound scientific discoveries. Having been alive for centuries what cheekily named Adam and Eve find sexy is knowledge, science, music, literature and art, and not at all looks or vanity. It is a refreshing look on a less glamorous version of potentially eternal life. Life filled with borderline hoarding, seclusion, and depression. Set against the decimation of Detroit and Tangier, Morocco the lonely unglamorous tone for this type of subject matter is a pleasant surprise. Some of the story plots are indeed predictable but the unique details that Jarmusch showcases in the life of the main characters are enough to make up for the predictable turns.

Mia Wasikowska does a great job of keeping her character of a train-wreck of a sister likeable all the way through. The performances of Anton Yelchin, John Hurt, and Jeffrey Wright are spot on. Hiddleston and Swinton are perfect in their parts and importantly make their plights as vampires seem quite plausible. They are engaging to watch and add much nuance to their characters.

This film however, is not for everyone. If you appreciate the sort of quiet, slow moviemaking that represents much of Jarmusch’s work you are bound to love this. For the rest, there may be a moment where your mind begins to wonder. Due to its contained storyline and small cast it’s the talent of the lovely handful of actors that carries this film.

Final Score: 3 out of 5