Remembering Our Friend Grant Imahara

On Monday we lost our friend Grant Imahara and I can’t just do a business as usual Geekscape episode without honoring him. So many of you loved him and were fans of his. He was kind, brilliant and it is not hyperbole to say that he was the best of all of us. While I considered Grant a friend and felt honored every time I got to see him or have him laugh at my jokes, there are many others who were closer to him. Similar to what I did two weeks ago for my brother Daniel, tonight I’m talking with some of Grant’s friends to hear and celebrate stories about him. If you’d like to be included, please send me a message. I don’t want anyone to not feel welcome and have asked some people who respectfully and understandably are not up to it yet. This will be rough at times but is intended as a small celebration of someone who is still with us in many ways. I’d like to keep telling his stories.

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