Really? A Pokemon and Nobunaga’s Ambition Crossover?!

I have heard a lot of interesting crossovers during my time as a gamer: Kingdom Hearts, Super Smash Brothers, and Marvel vs. Capcom to name a few, and I’ve enjoyed many of these crossovers whenever I came across them, though I was never seriously invested in any of them to warrant dedicated gameplay. Most of these crossovers warranted at least a cursory examination depending on how out-of-place they were, or how the developers came up with a way to unite two completely different franchises, though there usually was an element tying them together that made sense, whether it’d be story-setting, similar game mechanics, or artistic aesthetic.

When I first heard about Pokemon and Nobunaga’s Amibition having a crossover, I was dumbstruck because these two franchises are extremely different to me.  Pokemon is a family-friendly RPG series where you capture monsters to become a Pokemon Master while Nobunaga’s Ambition is a RPG series in which you choose one of many feudal warlords of Japan in order to conquer and unify the country under a single ruler. How in the world would you take these two franchises with two completely different themes and settings and combine them into a coherent story with gameplay?

Analyzing one of the trailers, it looks like you choose one warlord with a specific Pokemon, and you attack your opponent’s Pokemon in a tactics-based RPG combat setting, similar to Final Fantasy Tactics advance, and you proceed to conquer your other opponents in their story, whether each warlord has their individual story, or you’re playing the same story with each warlord offering their own unique dialogue to situations in the game. The game does certainly look interesting to at least check out, though whether it is good or not, or even if the game will even see an international release, remains to be seen.
