Behemoth Breakfast to start our day! Shane & Taylor really do get along – most of the time. Taylor also has a dice addiction. He’s trying to decide which Chessex he wants. Courtney and Shane playing a demo of ‘Kritika’, another great free-to-play from En Masse. THEY HAVE A T-REX YOU CAN RIDE! Also a raptor. ARK is going to be a fun game. Shane met some of thee FunHaus boys at the Rooster Teeth booth. Everyone waiting patiently for a panel in the Grand Hyatt. Shane and Courtney listening intently during the interview with Koji Igarashi We drooled over audio equipment from audio-technica Courtney’s new favorite hobby – waiting in line to do things. She’s gotta real good at it since San Diego The Orcs are coming to PAX West! We want to love our job as much as this guy does over at the ‘Shadows of Mordor’ booth. WHO’S MOTHER OF DRAGONS NOW? Not Courtney, but she did get to be a little awkward at the ‘Shadows of Modor’ photo op booth Destiny 2 has some cool MegaConstrux sculptures promoting the game’s release this week.