Make Machinima Your Wingman With Its Xbox One App!

If you’re planning on getting an Xbox One, you’re probably standing in line at your favorite game store in the freezing cold right now. After risking life, limb and a case of hypothermia in your pursuit of the newest addition to the Xbox family, the time will come to make your biggest decision of the night; one that will shape your gaming experience for the immediate future. That choice? Which games to buy! Whether or not you go with Dead Rising 3, Ryse, Battlefield 4, Call of Duty: Ghosts, or one of the many other titles releasing with the system, just know that Machinima has your back when the gaming gets tough. Thanks to the Machinima app that will be available for download day and date with launch, early adopters won’t be alone in those moments where they’re getting taken down by zombie hordes or being made into killstreak fodder.

As it’s said, never go anywhere without your wingman.

When a gamer hears of a console based Machinima app, you’d expect to be able to access the brand’s numerous gaming related videos and hours worth of entertainment that have been posted across the Interwebz for years now. With that assumption, you would be correct, since the App will give Xbox One owners the ability to stream their favorite Machinima content through the App. On top of this, the system has a mind of its own, with content suggestions that are based around the content you continuously play. So if you play a ton of shooters? Expect to find the latest COD content side by side with listings for the most popular and newest videos for the day.

More importantly however, is the roll out of the new “Wingman” videos that are being made especially for the App. Launching with videos for Ryse, COD, Battlefield and Dead Rising 3, the Wingman feature is designed by gamers, for gamers to provide comprehensive strategies for each title. Made with the intention of creating the feeling of having a friend on your couch helping you out, each game has about 30 videos. You’ll never have to worry about spending hours combing for that one missing secret or struggle against that boss that’s been giving you trouble again.

The best part? You’ll never have to interrupt your game to obtain the help you need. Thanks to the snap feature on the console, (you know, the feature that let’s you watch TV while playing? The one the entire Internet seemed to hate during the console reveal?) videos can be run while gaming, making the Wingman experience as seamless as possible. To top it off, the App will detect when you die multiple times during the same section and suggest the appropriate video to help you get over that seemingly impossible area. Awesome? I think so.

Machinima Snap

Of course, if you have a ton of gamer pride, the videos are completely optional. But if this wasn’t enough to convince you to make this one of the first apps in your library, then maybe some… Achievements will change your mind? Yes achievement hunters, the App has its own awards to earn. Ranging from watching between 1 AM and 4 AM, subscribing to a video, creating an account and watching 1,000 videos amongst many other goals, it’s clear that this App is giving you more than enough reasons to download it, especially because it’s completely free.

So on launch day, we get an App that recognizes our gaming preferences, helps us finish games when we get stuck, and responds to our voice commands using the Kinect? It’s only a matter of time before the consoles become self aware and take over us all, so enjoy it while you can! While we wait for the inevitable day when our Xbox One’s enslave us all, make sure to check out the Machinima App. It’s creative use of the Snap feature along with its wealth of existing content and the bonus achievements are sure to come in handy for many a gamer. The promise of a few new Wingman videos every quarter, including at least one new set before year’s end, day and date DLC walkthroughs and demo videos, it seems like the console owners will have plenty of content for months on end.

Excited for the App? Does the potential of the Wingman feature sound as exciting as I think it does? Check out the preview videos for the launch games and comment below with your thoughts!