Long Lost SNES Game ‘Socks The Cat’ Claws Its Way To Kickstarter!
If you remember growing up with Nintendo Power magazine in the 90’s, you might remember seeing ads for an odd looking SNES starring former president Bill Clinton’s cat, Socks.The game was completed, being bug tested, and was set to take the Super Nintendo by storm for the fall video game season of 1993. Everything was going fine until the game suffered multiple delays, and never got released due to publisher Kaneko closing down shop. The game is often regarded as one of the biggest pieces of lost media due to the fact that the only copy in existence was owned by a collector who refused to dump the game online.
All seemed lost, until another collector ended up buying the prototype from him, and this time, the current owner was on a quest to make this game see the light of day. He assembled a group of people and began work, fixing bugs, improving graphics, and obtaining the rights to legally release it.(don’t worry about the bug fixes and graphical upgrades, the original game is still being preserved.) Now the devs ask for your help. With enough support (and $30,000), not only will they be able to release the game digitally, but also provide collectors with physical boxed version! Cartridge, manual,etc. Check out the link below if you’re interested.