Geekscape Recaps: ‘The X-Files’ Miniseries Premiere (SPOILERS)
After the NFC Championship on Sunday, Fox finally aired the first installment of six, brand-new episodes of The X-Files. It’s been 14 long years since we’ve seen Fox Mulder and Dana Scully on our small screens.

The episode begins with a recap of what The X-Files is, who Mulder and Scully are, what kind of work they did, and what the X-Files were before the division of the FBI was shut down. So, if you have never seen an episode of The X-Files ever in your life, it’s a nice little recap for you so you’re not lost at sea without a life raft.
A key piece of what makes The X-Files is the theme song. We get that. Another key piece is the title sequence, which a lot of people were worried would change due to the technological advances, older actors, new cases; but never fear folks, the title sequence is exactly the same. It still holds that magical mystery and wonder in which perfectly dictates the X-Files show as a whole.
Fox released a 21 minute mini-documentary which explains what the fans can expect from the new episodes. We’ll get our dose of monster of the week, we’ll get the humor episodes, and what the X-Files have become infamous for – their mythology episodes. We also will have some familiar faces such as Annabeth Gish returning and new faces such as Community‘s Joel McHale.
McHale plays Ted O’Malley, who is just as obsessed with the unexplained, if not possibly more, as Fox Mulder is. Mulder and Scully are called in to meet with this guy, by AD Skinner, who yes, is still at the FBI. O’Malley takes Mulder and Scully to the middle of quite literally nowhere, which Scully cracks – “Even Aliens can’t find this place.” There they meet a lovely woman named Sveta, played by Annet Mahendru, who, according to her Mulder met when she was a young girl, right after her first abduction.
Sveta was abducted by men, not aliens, boarded onto a ship where they scooped pieces of her stomach out. They impregnated her and then took her unborn baby from her. As she explained to Mulder, Scully, and O’Malley, she has pieces of memories, implants of other memories shielding what actually happened. Sound familiar X-Files fans? Scully listens to Sveta’s tale and as O’Malley explains it to Scully, she brushes him off, shuts him down because Dana Scully knows exactly what Sveta went through. Scully was abducted, had memories implanted for her to screen the actual going ons of what actually occurred during her abduction.

It is revealed that there is a possibility that Sveta has Alien DNA. In a lab, Scully draws blood from Sveta to test to see if the woman does in fact have Alien DNA in her. Sveta points out that Mulder and Scully once were a couple. Check. They have a son together. Check. Mulder has been depressed and Scully diagnosed him with said depression. Check and Check. How does Sveta know all this? She can read minds and move things. When she tells Scully that she has no idea what they did to Sveta, Scully tries to assure her that she does in fact know. It’s not until Sveta reads Dana’s mind, that she corrects her statement. Dana Scully does know.
O’Malley takes Mulder to an un-disclosed location where in the middle of what looks like an airplane hangar is an ARV, otherwise known as an Alien Replica Vehicle. They built it and are able to fly it using free energy. Technology they’ve had since the 1940’s. Another thing that tipped off the red flag of Fox Mulder, the fact that they were able to make it disappear and he witnessed it happening. In a quick series of events, right after O’Malley announces to the world that he knows Dana Scully, Sveta is on television saying O’Malley put words in her mouth, apologizes to anyone who she may have fooled, Scully checks O’Malley’s site and it’s been shut down. The building in which the ARV is being held, gets infiltrated by Men and blown with the ARV in it and the scientists working on it, still inside.
There were a few surprises at the end. 1. Sveta gets blown up in her car, by what looks like an alien space ship. 2. Scully re-ran the DNA from Sveta, compared it to her own and they BOTH have Alien DNA. 3. The cigarette smoking man is BACK. And while, yes, he did get blown up, he was brought back and his face and hands are obviously damaged. How did he get saved? No one knows. Will Sveta be saved in the same fashion?
So with that all in mind, what did you guys think? And be sure to catch the next few episodes every Monday night on Fox.