Geekscape Exclusive: Renew Your Vows The Bruce Campbell (and Ted Raimi) Way!
Hey, all of you primitive Screw Heads! Geekscape’s got a scorching hot exclusive video for all of you! This past weekend, I was at ZomBCon and was invited to attend the marriage renewal ceremony that The Evil Dead’s Bruce Campbell and Ted Raimi were going to officiate. It was a pretty exclusive ticket considering I didn’t meet either of the required criteria:
– I wasn’t a zombie
– I wasn’t with my wife
But I did have my camera! Luckily, through the powers of the internet, you can watch the below video with your husband and wife and pretend that you were there, getting your vows renewed in person by Ash and Henrietta from the Evil Dead! Check it out too: they’re using the Necronomicon in the ceremony!
I had a blast at ZomBCon and this ceremony was one of the many highlights! Enjoy it (with or without zombie makeup and brains)!