Geekscape Comics: Weekend Reads!
Welcome to Weekend Reads! It’s your little, weekly dose of comic book goodness that focuses on some aspect of my weekend reading!
This week, I didn’t find much to read.
The Reads:

* It’s Spider-Man in space
* If you like Dan Slott, read Silver Surfer
* If you like Spider-Man, read Brian Michael Bendis’ Spider-Man
* If you’re a die-hard Spider-Man fan, you’ll probably find something to like in this book
* The art is excellentHere is my thought pattern when deciding to read Mockingbird…
Mockingbird has potential. The first issue is a whole lot of questions and not a lot of answers. We meet Barbara, who is required to attend weekly checkups at a local SHIELD medical facility to monitor the potential side effects of two experimental treatments she received. The writer, Cain brings a lot of humor to Barbara’s character but the story itself is all over the place. This book jumps from scene to scene leaving a lot of blanks in between that will be filled in during later issues. I think this is a gutsy move for a book that isn’t going to have a strong readership going into it. It makes it really hard to get into.
I’m a fan of Niemczyk’s use of colors throughout the book. A lot of the panels pop off the page but some of the faces and bodies she draws feel just a little off. I know this is probably weird to say, but all the characters have way too much blush…
* Power Man and Iron Fist #2
* Extraordinary X-Men #8
… and maybe something by a studio other than Marvel!