Geekscape Comics: The Four Characters Most Likely To Die At The End Of ‘AvX’!

Avengers Vs. X-Men is nearing the epic-conclusion with issue #11 hitting stands in three weeks and the finale shortly after. We all knew that this story would not be ending happy for everybody. At the end of the storyline one major character WILL die as seen by the cover of AvX: Consequences.

Based on the numerous interviews with the creative teams behind these books you can detect that this incident will have a greater effect on the X-Men than the Avengers. This most likely implies that the character that will die will indeed be a mutant. So, let’s discuss the most likely candidates to go out at the end of AvX.

Scott Summers

This seems to be the one on the top of everyone’s list. Personally, I have to disagree with him though. It’s too obvious and I can’t see Marvel building up the character over the past years just to lead to this. And, even though Marvel is denying it, that Marvel NOW! teaser image features a character that sure does look alot like Mr. Summers.

Emma Frost

Based on the cover to number 11 andseeing her and Cyclops going at it she is definitely on the list. And my personal pick to die. She’s one character I really can’t stand and hope is the one that Marvel takes out. One can only hope right?


Hope Summers

The “mutant messiah” is a definite candidate for being the one that goes out here. This battle began over her and most likely will end with her. I think she will make the ultimate sacrifice and that is how she is going to be the one who will “save the mutant race”. Phoenixes tend to flame out, particularly if there’s some noble world-saving to be done in the process, so it stands to reason that Hope would follow in Jean’s footsteps.

Charles Xavier

The top candidate is definitely Xavier. With the plot synopsis for X-Men: Legacy containing the line “in a post-Avengers vs. X-Men world that may – or may not – be without Xavier himself” it is highly possible that Xavier could sacrifice himself to save the mutant race or possibly even Scott from The Phoenix Force. In New Avengers #29, he stated “I’m prepared to stop Scott, no matter what the cost.” That one doesn’t sound too good for ol’ Charles.

So, these here are just my thoughts but there is quite a bit of evidence indicating that Xavier may die at the end of Avengers Vs. X-Men. So, who do you think is going to die? Sound off in the box below!