Geek of the Week: Mars Smith
Where are you from originally?
The city of broken dreams… Kidding! Los Angeles!
What is your Hogwarts house and why?
Hufflepuff! I’m super loyal, quirky, and I know all the best food spots!
What are some geeky hobbies you partake in?
Where do I start? I love playing video games, board games, and roleplaying games like D&D…I also like anime!
So I know you went to film school, but can you tell me – what is your main focus/passion in film?
And why did that in particular stick out to you?
Well, I love creating concepts for TV shows. Most of my ideas are for kid shows right now, but other than that, producing is a big focus of mine. It’s like you’re pulling the strings to the show and it’s so satisfying when everything comes together.

You have a podcast called GoreFriends, what’s it about and how did that start? How did you find your podcast partner?
Gorefriends is a horror movie podcast where my cohost and I deeply analyze all types of horror films. I met my partner, Story, on our first day of film school seven years ago. She just called me one day and asked me if I wanted to do a podcast. Since I had experience doing one previously and I love horror films, I said, “Sure!”
Our main drive of wanting to do this is to show that black women have educated opinions on films as well. Most, if not all, of the film podcasts out there are from the perspective of caucasian men and/or women. We just want to give a voice to the film nerds of color.
If you could take the place of any fictional character from any book, TV show, comic, or film – who would you choose? And why?
Haruhi from the anime, Ouran High School Host Club comes to mind! She’s a middle-class scholarship student at a rich school. She ends up working for the Host Club, a group of idle rich boys, possessing exceptional good-looks, who entertain female clients. Her character is super down-to-earth, she is pretty much gender fluid and she gets to be around cute guys all the time. Who wouldn’t want to be her?!
Who is someone you look up to and why?
Feel free to name two or three.
To be honest, I don’t look up to celebrities really because I don’t know them on a personal level. I only know them from what we see in the media. However, I do look up to various friends in my circle. They are all very strong men and women that are aware of social issues and understanding of mental issues, including my anxiety I get from time to time.

What are some current projects and/or goals you’re working on?
Currently, Gorefriends is my main focus. However, in regards to paid work, I’m working producing Instagram videos for an awesome plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills!
What is your dream project to work on?
It might be selfish, but anything of mine. Haha! I mean having the budget to produce a children’s program is a dream. Growing up, Sesame Street and PBS were a big part of my life, so I’d like to pass those same feelings to a younger generation.
Can you tell me about a time you had to pick yourself back up?
Being someone that lives with depression, I’ve definitely had my share of experiences where I wasn’t the fun and positive person people are used to. Being a struggling artist in Los Angeles, everyday can be a battle. But, I try to just focus on today, leaving yesterday’s problems in yesterday, and being grateful for what I do have.
What is your favorite inspiring quote?
“This too shall pass.”*
*This phrase is an old Persian adage used by many around the world.
Where can people find you on social media?
Instagram: @i_am_2eager & @Gorefriends