Geek of the Week: Kyle Chrise
Where are you from originally?
Uniontown, PA via Weehawken, NJ
What is your Hogwarts house and why?
Hufflepuff. I’m rational [and] down-to-earth.
What are some geeky hobbies you partake in?
Comic books, video games, sci-fi, & horror movies.

When did you realize comedy was something you were interested in actually doing?
[I] always wanted to growing up, watching stand-up – stand-up and SAST on VH1 & Comedy Central. Watching Louis C.K. and Greg Giraldo as an adult.
If you could take the place of any fictional character from any book, TV show, comic, or film – who would you choose? And why?
Spider-man has always been my guy. Seems like an awesome power set and swinging around New York. But it’s probably not as fun in real life as it looks, tough on the arms. But I also feel connected to Charlie Brown, Peter Venkman, Shaggy Doo, and Emmett [“Doc”] Brown.
Who is someone you look up to and why?
Feel free to name two or three.
Obama – the epitome of empathy. Coach Mike Tomlin of the Pittsburgh Steelers – no nonsense, no bs, no beating around the bush.
Tell me about a time you had to pick yourself back up career-wise.
What or who helped you get there?
I feel I’m there right now. I don’t really have a mentor, but I try to give good advice to others.
What are some current projects and/or goals you’re working on?
Cosplay Comedy is holding a Zoom show on April 25 to benefit Black Cat Comics in Burbank and the MADE museum in Oakland.
Do you have a favorite inspiring quote?
“Love your neighbor as yourself, there is no commandment greater than this” – Jesus
What is your dream show or project to work on?
The Daily Show

Where can people follow you? (Social Media)
@KyleChrise, @CosplayComedy