Geek of the Week: J. Paul Zimmerman
Where are you from originally?
Originally, I am from Albuquerque, New Mexico.
How did you get into acting?
I got into acting because of my father. He was a longtime theatre and aspiring film actor. And some of my earliest memories are going with him to some of his rehearsals – sitting, watching, listening, and getting into it. And one day, I was watching – I think I was about five and I was watching Inspector Gadget on TV…And my Dad, he noticed me running around and acting out everything he was doing – you know everything you do when you’re a kid. And he stopped me and in a roundabout way explained that that was acting. That’s what he did – it was playing and having fun. He asked me if I wanted to give it a try. I was very young. It all sort of happened very fast. I was going on auditions and working – and it was a lot of fun!
What came first for you, theatre or TV?
Um, first for me to actually do was TV – but like I said theatre was definitely a very big part of it. It was always there and in my brain getting it started. But my first job was a McDonald’s commercial on television for Tiny Toons happy meal toy.
Can you name a couple or so actors you look up to and why?
My favorite actor is probably Bruce Campbell. I’ve never been able to find anybody to impress me or entertain me more than him. He’s got a charm. We can’t deny that. And he’s a very handsome fella. I appreciate his action skills and his comedy skills. He just – I don’t how else to describe it. He’s just always been a performer I’ve been drawn to – and sometimes I emulate. And one of my favorite moments trying to capture Bruce Campbell was when I got into the fight with Benny in the first HalloweenTown. I thought here I am fighting with an animatronic skeleton. I felt like Bruce Campbell in Army of Darkness. This – this is the big time!
And despite how much their styles are made fun of, I’m a genuine fan of [both] William Shatner and Arnold Schwarzenegger. I grew up watching them and have always been inspired by the passion behind their performances.

What is your Hogwarts house and why?
My Hogwarts house is Gryffindor. Why? I’m actually not sure. I took the test on Pottermore a couple times being very sure that I would come out Slytherin – probably because I took the test during dark feeling times and angry times…Maybe even wanting to come out as a Slytherin. But I got Gryffindor and I think it’s because I love people too much and I’m too honest.
If you could cast yourself in any movie or show you’ve ever seen, which one would it be and what role?
One of my actual dream roles – which seems more realistic now that there’s more of it on television – is to be a Star Trek character. I would like to be on a season of Discovery maybe or Picard…Or something new… My only stipulation would be that I would want to be a new character. I would not want to redo somebody’s character or play a younger or past version. I don’t mean to be a snob, but I would just love to add something to the Star Trek universe. Other than that, I would have to say I’m a big fan of those Snickers commercials that are, “You’re not you when you’re hungry.” I would love to do one of those commercials with Danny DeVito playing me when I’m hungry. I think that would be a good match up.
Why’d you pick these choices?
Well, to be perfectly honest, I am a big nerd. I love Star Trek, Star Wars, Doctor Who, Red Dwarf, Superman, and I could go on. I love many fandoms but you know, Star Trek I’ve been into for a long time. My sister got me into Star Trek when I was very young, so we have that to share and it’s definitely been one of my longest running fandoms besides Star Wars. And I’m just really happy to see that it’s back on TV and popular. I like the movies but I think it’s much stronger in its original television format and I would like to be a part of that history.
Okay, I know I’ve asked you about this before off the record and you were kind enough to tell me then, but I’ll ask now – how was it getting to work with Debbie Reynolds in HalloweenTown?
Getting to work with Debbie Reynolds in HalloweenTown was probably one of the best things that’s ever happened to me as a person, as a professional. It’s just something that I’ll never forget – especially getting to work with her on multiple films. The best way that I could describe Debbie is that she never seemed to take a minute off. And from the moment anyone saw her, she was at eleven with all this energy – going from joke to joke but then would sit down with you and then give you this worldly sage advice. She was always there, always present. She wasn’t one of those people who go off to their trailer between takes. She was there with us, part of the family – and that’s what it was. As soon as Debbie showed up, we were all family. She made us all feel so comfortable with each other and there was literally never a dull moment with her. There was so much to learn.
I miss her all the time. She became so much like a real grandmother. I lost my grandmother a few years prior, so when Debbie passed, it was like losing my grandmother all over again. She was amazing… She would go around introducing herself as, “Princess Leia’s mother.”
When she introduced herself to Emily* for the first time, she said, “Hello, I’m Princess Leia’s mother. Do you know who Princess Leia is?”
Emily said, “No.” Debbie said, “Well then I’m just some crazy old woman.”
*Emily Roeske played Sophie Piper in the HalloweenTown series alongside
J. Paul Zimmerman who played Dylan Piper.

That’s amazing. Snapping back to geeky things.
What are some of the geeky activities you partake in?
I love LEGOs. LEGOs, Magic: the Gathering, and Dungeons & Dragons when I’m lucky enough to be invited. I’m also a film geek. I’ve always wanted to be an artsy director like Stanley Kubrick or David Lynch.
Was there a time when you had to pick yourself back up whilst chasing your ambitions? Can you tell me about that time?
The time I had to pick myself up was a few years ago… I had retired from acting after fifteen years so I could travel and see if there was anything else I wanted to do. Eventually I realized I missed acting. I needed to come back but it took some time to save up and find a place. Then I reconnected with old friends who got me regular jobs and theatre gigs until I found my stride again…Getting started in this town is not easy, and I wouldn’t be where I am without the support of my friends.
Do you have a favorite quote that inspires you?
I always find comfort in the words of Bill Hicks: “Matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we’re the imagination of ourselves.”
What projects are you currently working on?
I am currently not working on any projects at this time but I am hoping to do some more theatre in the next couple of months. But for right now, I’m trying to catch up on some writing. I’m writing a sci-fi play that I would like to finish this year. I have a couple of screenplays in progress, TV series, and ideas for more screenplays that I’d like to make some progress on while I have the free time.
Where can people find you on social media?
Instagram: JPaulZim & Dr.Zimmerman
Twitter: @JPaulZim
Facebook: JPaulZim