‘Firefly’ Is Back As A Dark Horse Comics Exclusive!
Dark Horse Comics sent the Whedonverse into paroxysms of anticipation this weekend when it teasingly tweeted: “#wheresSerenity” followed by a link to their blog, which merely had the graphic below and a deliberately vague press release. They followed up with a social media blitz of concept art of Serenity herself and other links on their Twitter, Facebook and Instagram pages, all with the hash tags #firefly or #wheresSerenity until just a few hours ago, when Dark Horse confirmed the return with another tweet:
This is not a drill! @DarkHorseComics is bringing back #firefly.
Details are still few and far between, though speculation is that this heralds a new start for Firefly in the comic universe as a true comic series, with seasons, much like how Buffy and X-Files continued in comic book form, Or so fans hope. Donna Dickens at Buzzfeed notes; Firefly fans know how to hope.
Previously, Firefly had only been published in comic book form as mini-series or stand alone stories.
Dark Horse is promising more information in the months to come, so for now follow DH comics @DarkHorseComics and watch for #wheresSerenity and #firefly–and check back here, of course–for updates and all the Brown Coat news fit for the ‘Verse.
Source: DarkHorse