E3 2013 First Look: The ‘Stinky Gaming Footboard’
This is very cool, and is definitely one of our most anticipated new peripherals from E3’s show floor.
The Stinky Gaming Footboard is a brand new device used for keybinds (key shortcuts). Essentially, It’s a foot-pedal device that is 14 1/2″ by 8 1/2, which you rest your foot on and move in different directions to press different buttons.
You can create your own keybinds, load presets, and you can even set it to ‘auto’, and it will detect the game and make shortcuts for that particular title. Also, you can save the shortcuts and plug it in at another location without losing what you saved. The board is, “not meant to replace keys and mouse, but compliment them” as explained by Beau Baker (CEO of Cut Throat Gaming). The board is not just for gaming either, and can be used for anything that would utilize key shortcuts.
The board will be available for purchase in August and will be sold at BestBuy and on their official website, stinkyboard.com for $99.
Here are some photos, straight from the Stinky Gaming Footboard booth: