Dragon Quest Games ‘Being Considered’ for Nintendo NX

During last month’s E3, Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aime said the public wouldn’t hear anything concerning the Nintendo NX until E3 2016. While fans may have to wait 11 months until they get an official reveal of Nintendo’s next platform, we may have learned what games may be coming to the NX.


During the Square Enix live stream event this morning, Dragon Quest XI was announced for both PlayStation 4 and Nintendo 3DS. While the PS4 version will obviously boast the better graphics (it’s built on the Unreal Engine), the 3DS version will have full 3D graphics on the top screen, while the bottom screen showcases retro Dragon Quest graphics–resembling those of the earliest games in the series. Before the end of the presentation, Square Enix revealed that Dragon Quest XI and Dragon Quest X were coming to Nintendo NX. It didn’t take long for the news to appear on gaming sites all over the web, and it caused Square Enix to back peddle just a bit.

Earlier this afternoon, Square Enix provided IGN with a statement, clarifying that Dragon Quest X and Dragon Quest XI were under consideration and had no further information at the moment.

With the confirmation/non-confirmation of Dragon Quest for Nintendo’s next platform, what other franchises would you want to see on the NX?
