Could ‘Ring Fit Adventure’ Be 2019’s Best RPG?
I know, when people think of video games and fitness, the Pavlovian response is often to retch at the thought. Usually when one thinks of the genre, they think of poorly made games with a ton of bulky equipment that barely works, or games that treat the exercise aspect of the game as secondary like Dance Dance Revolution. Even Wii Fit, easily the most successful blend of fitness and gaming, was a hard sell to gamers who saw it more as an exercise simulator than a video game despite the unlocks it offered. After Nintendo had largely dropped out of its fitness experiments six years after the commercially disappointing Wii Fit U, the company dropped a surprise announcement that a new fitness game was headed to the Switch less than a month after its unveiling. That game was Ring Fit Adventure.

At first glance, Nintendo’s latest fitness foray seemed to adopt the worst of the genre, with a large ring required to play that led to some ridicule from skeptics. Yet, as someone in the exercise field, the potential of its concept never escaped me as long as the execution delivered. After getting a chance to try out Ring Fit Adventure for myself, not only does it seemingly go above and beyond what a fitness game can offer, but it shows signs of becoming a truly memorable RPG that is carried by its unique mechanics, resulting in a hybrid experience that hasn’t been seen before.
Exercise is easiest to perform when it’s disguised as something else. Oddly enough, fitness games have had trouble emphasizing the game aspect over the workout without compromising either. Ring Fit Adventure changes that by creating a role playing quest that uses exercise as a means of exploration, combat and defense thanks to the innovative use of its titular ring. The game does have traditional exercise modes if you want to get in a workout without all the frills and mini games that test your physical prowess in a variety of ways, but the adventure mode is what brings it all together.

After calibrating the ring’s resistance to match one’s own strength levels, one joycon is placed in the ring while another is placed in a leg strap that goes around the player’s thigh. Once the game starts, the user takes control of a legendary fitness expert who is tasked with using the ring to defeat an army of demons. Traversing the map is done on-rails, with the player running in place to move forward. Twisting aims your ring while squeezing it together shoots a burst of air. Pulling it apart creates a vacuum used to pull in loose items, which help power up your player as the game goes on. If you’re reading this and thinking, “I live upstairs! I guess a game asking me to run in place will be a fast track towards eviction”, then fear not! A special setting can be toggled allowing you to replace running with squatting. You’ll have those massive hammies in no time! Other forms of movement in the demo included rowing by twisting from side to side, offering a full-body workout without realizing it!

Eventually, you’ll run into demons that must be dispatched in a traditional turn based combat mode, but with a special twist, (both literally and figuratively). Each monster is assigned a color which signifies a type of exercise they’re weak to. For example, one color may be weak to abdominal exercises while another may take more damage from yoga. Selecting the appropriate attack type deals more damage, with each rep weakening the opponents further. When its their turn to attack, holding the ring against your core and tightening your elusive six pack defends your character. Whether attacking, defending or traveling, you’re always moving.
Outside of what promises to be a lengthy story mode, a series of mini games can be enjoyed while giving you different ways to work out. If a traditional workout is more your thing, a standard exercise mode is also available, which prompts you to use the ring for a variety of fat burning movements. Among the options I tried however, my favorite one has to be a feature that strengthens you further when you’re away from the game. Say you’re stuck at a desk job for eight hours and can’t work out… You can attach a joycon to your ring and perform resistance reps whenever you can squeeze them in. Sure, you might get looked at a little funny, but each rep equals one experience point that will then be loaded onto your adventurer the next time you start the game up. Let’s see who’s laughing when the world needs saving and you’re the only one at the office with the biceps to get the job done!

I was thoroughly impressed with Ring Fit Adventure and can’t wait to see what the full version has in store. In the meantime, let us know what you think of Nintendo’s latest fitness experiment in the comments below!