‘Castle Crashers’ Is Coming To STEAM!

You read that right folks! Today the wonder folks over at the Behemoth have let slip that their crazy hyper popular XBLA game, Castle Crashers, will be coming to the Steam marketplace! We were given this news via a nice little poem from Dan Paladin himself.

A Poem by Dan Paladin:
While BattleBlock has been churning,
there’s another wheel turning!
And that wheel is Castle Crashers running on Steam!

It was accomplished by utilizing one of our programming teams!
We always liked this platform so it’s kind of a dream!

I’d say a release date but the future’s unknown.
If I make a mistake I shall never atone.

If you’re in Germany this weekend please say hi to John.
He is at Gamescom.

We were also given a nice list of STUFF that can be found with the STEAM edition


Castle Crashers Steam Features:

No release date has been given