Brony Breakdown: MLP Season 4 Premiere!
If you’re a fan of MLP like we at Geekscape are, then you were more than elated when Season 4 of our beloved cartoon premiered this Saturday. We were greeted with two wondrous, BACK TO BACK episodes, kicking off the newest season with a bang! There be SPOILERS here on out so if you haven’t watched it then GO DO IT!
We’re greeted with a lovely scene of the Mane Six, trying to teach the newly winged Twilight how to fly. See, if you didn’t remember, she became a PRINCESS! A Unicorn with wings is an Alicorn (or Peggacorn, viewers may choose their mythical animal naming convention on their own accord). Her friends are more than excited to help her with her Royal Duties, and all bow and praise her as the new Princess of Ponyville. This is when we are reminded of this show’s very positive qualities. Twilight is a very humble individual and doesn’t feel that she deserves to be worshiped. Her friends bowing to her just doesn’t feel right. We can see that even though she has changed physically (dem wings baby), she hasn’t gotten up to the level of Princess emotionally or mentally. Yeah, I am getting next level on the deconstruction of this cartoon horse.
We are soon thrust quickly into the plot. Our dear Twilight has to get things ready for the Summer Sun Celebration. Yeah, we’re getting some season one call backs here. The Mane Six all pack up and head to Canterlot to help their friend with the preparations. Here we get a few glimpses of some evil afoot. Black, devilish looking vines come cropping up out of the ground. They seem to have an objective. An EVIL objective, but that is for later on. While the entire city is getting all hyped up for the Summer Sun Celebration, Twilight’s friends decide they need to go back to Ponyville to get their town’s own party ready. This is when Twilight is faced with another new daunting change in her life as Princess. Isolation; her friends all seem to eagerly leave her in the city. In reality they’re excited and happy for Twilight and just want to celebrate with her.
On the eve of the celebration, Twilight wakes up in the middle of the night to something very out of the ordinary. The Moon and the Sun are both in the sky, like together. So of course the citizens of the city begin to flip their proverbial Horse Apples. We are quickly informed that Princess Celestia and Luna are both MIA, thus explaining the Moon/Sun issue. When it is decided for Twilight that she is in charge, due to the fact she is the only Princess around. I mean, they COULD go get Cadence, but she is written off as being “too busy” running the Crystal Empire. I’m sure she’d find the time to rescue the two horses in charge of controlling the day night cycle, but whatever. Twilight, the President pro tempore of the Senate, quickly jumps to action. This is where I start to get impressed with the show’s writing again. Her timid, shyness is quickly replaced with a fast-acting plan-making pony. She orders the citizens of Canterlot to bunker up and wait while she goes to Ponyville to get the show’s Deus Ex Machina. The Elements of Harmony, which are stored in her library back at home.

She quickly returns to Ponyville to see it overrun with mischievous happenings and the evil vines from before. The Mane Six are soon reunited and they gear up with the Elements of Harmony. All the “pranking” magic that is plaguing the town gives Twilight an idea of who is the culprit. She summons up some heavy looking magic and who of all people shows up but Discord! Voice amazingly by the one and only John de Lancie. After a back and forth, we’ve come to the conclusion that he is NOT the cause of the evil goings on! What ever will the Mane Six do? The vines all seem to be coming from the Everfree Forest, so the team gets all Fellowship of The Ring on us and gets ready to go adventuring, but not before they run into Zecora, the voodoo witch doctor Zebra that lives in the woods. She produces a potion that only an Alicorn can activate, and once activated will grant the user the ability to find the source of the evil goings ons. Of course Twilight zaps it and doses up with the magical stuff. What follows is a series of narrative plot points dumped in our laps. We are shown, through Twilight’s eyes, three major events in the Equestria Timeline. Starting with the more recent, turning of Princess Luna into Nightmare Moon and following banishment. Then the first defeat of Discord, and finishing it all up with where Celestia first found the Elements of Harmony.
Many years ago the great Princess harvested the Elements from the Tree of Harmony. The only magic powerful enough to defeat Discord, she says that the Tree has enough magic in it to keep things in…harmony. Well it appears that magic has run out! The team now has their objective, find the Tree of Harmony and fix it. Soon into the journey it is decided that this is dangerous work, too dangerous for the likes of Royalty, and Twilight is sent back to the safety of the town. The feeling of abandonment hits Twilight harder than Rob Ford hits an innocent constituent. She finds comfort and personal growth help from the strangest of places, Discord! She soon realizes that splitting up the Deus Ex Machina in the name of royal safety. She braves the bramble once again and joins up with her friends.
The Fellowship soon finds the Tree of Harmony and it is in a bad way. The evil vines have sucked its energy away. The only way to fix things is to return the Elements to the Tree. Sacrificing the writers get out of jail free card for the sake of plot. WHAT A TWIST! Twilight gives the Tree back the Elements and once powered up, it pushes back the evil and Celestia and Luna are returned safely. The Tree then buds a new flower and inside of it is a crystal box with six key holes. Season 4’s plot is then dumped in our laps. No one knows where the keys are but they all know that they must find them, for some reason. Back at town we soon find out that the evil vines were actually planted by Discord way back in his first tussle with Celestia. He just figured it wouldn’t take this long for them to kick in. OH YOU!

Hard cut back to Canterlot for the Summer Sun Celebration. Just as it is wrapping up, the once embarrassed Twilight jumps in to give the ceremony a little bit of Swag, and joins Luna and Celestia on stage, she finally accepted her roll as princess. Credits.
Final Thoughts
First off, this was a long read and if you made it this far I commend you. It being a double episode full of plot and narrative it really was a lot to cover. I was giddy as a schoolgirl when the show started, and had a visible smile on when the end credits rolled. I was a little leery about the direction the show was going; the coronation of Twilight was rumored to be the cause of Hasbro executives wanting to sell more toys (as well as the idea of the Equestria Girls movie). The writers of the show really know how to create something charming together. This premiere was intelligent, funny and really showed Twilight’s growth into the big shoes (or tiara) that a Princess needs to wear. I am very excited to see what happens next week, and you can be sure that I will have plenty to say about it!