Brave Nerd World: Outer Space…(but really The Avengers)

SPOILERS! Heidi and Stephen set out this week with a great topic in hand, Outer Space, and a “Favorite Moment In…” to feature The Avengers. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, neither host could come up with just one moment in The Avengers that they loved the most. So they babbled on for most of the episode about how great the film was and what it means as a comic book film. Some of the concerns and criticisms brought up by Jonathan in the Geekscape Avengers episode are also addressed because Stephen only likes arguing with Jonathan when Jonathan can’t answer back.

They did however get around to talking a bit about outer space. Topics covered were “The Moon Treaty,” “The Outer Space Treaty,” and the recently brought to the media’s attention “Build the Enterprise” project.

Moon Treaty on Wikipedia

Outer Space Treaty on Wikipedia

Build the

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