Blizzcon 2014: Geekscape First Look at Starcraft II “Legacy of the Void”
SUper excited about the new expansion to Starcraft II? Can’t wait to see what it will look like? Well, look no further, because we have pics straight from BlizzCon 2014, from maps to new units to character art. Why are we still talking and not showing? We don’t know!!
Character Art

Concept Art


Courtesy of Blizzard

Courtesy of Blizzard

Courtesy of Blizzard

Courtesy of Blizzard.

Courtesy of Blizzard

Courtesy of Blizzard

Courtesy of Blizzard

Courtesy of Blizzard

Courtesy of Blizzard

What do you guys think? Super excited now? Have you checked out the trailer? Signed up for the Beta? Not impressed at all? Let us know in the comments!