As April 10th fast approaches!
Though he won’t reprise his role from the films.
Yep, it’s more Amiibo for the same money!
And it premieres this July on Syfy.
And we can’t wait to see more.
Which one you gonna call?
There’s lots of stock… as long as you want Mario!
It still doesn’t have a title, but it will premiere this Summer!
In theatres May 22nd!
And if you sign up in April, the first month is free!
Have we mentioned that we’re excited?
A short film in the style of an 70s exploitation trailer. Death and retribution are the soup of the day.
And it’s coming THIS year.
We’ll miss you (and we’re sorry your last games were not very good).
And it’s coming on September 1st!
Seriously, this game cannot release soon enough.
With the potential to become a recurring role!
Are you as excited as we are?
Now you can buy it all over again!
DBZ fans, eat your heart out.
Plus, check it out in motion!
Will it be a sequel to ‘Aliens’?
Plus, the next season gets a subtitle.
And surprisingly little Arkham Knight.
Which reveals that Hayley Atwell and Anthony Mackie will make return!
Download ‘The Bright Lord’ and take on Sauron himself!
June 2nd can’t come soon enough!
Have you been able to stop playing yet?
And they’re all ones that you already own!
She’ll play Cat Grant!