Another Giant Swarms Onto The Portal of Power

Even with no release date, Skylanders Giants is poised to take all of our money. Still in need of two more Skylanders to complete my collection, Toys For Bob wants to tease us all with another character reveal.

This time, we have Swarm. If you are into bios:

Bring the Sting!
Element: AIR
Character Type: Giant
Bio: Swarm was once a prince from a proud race of mysterious insect warriors that had built their entire civilization inside a giant honeycombed pyramid. Growing up as one of the 9,000 members of the royal family, he was never permitted to leave the hive. But unlike his brethren, there was a magical quality to Swarm that caused him to grow much larger than the rest of his kind. No longer able to fit amongst the rest of his colony, the young prince broke the long standing tradition and stepped out into the open world – where his size and strength would be put to good use in the legendary battle between the Giants and the Arkeyans.

Check out the vignette of Swarm in action and start making that list now of what Skylanders Giants you need to get when the game release date is announced.