A Flood Of New E3 2013 Trailers Released Today

Seems like publishers can’t wait until E3 to show us all the wonderful trailers we will see on stage during the press conferences. A deluge of trailers were released today by multiple publishers in hopes to get everyone hype for what’s to come in the next three days. Hopefully we don’t have to see these trailers at the conference and instead, we get something a little different shown. Otherwise, it would seem to be a waste of time that could have gone to showing more of the game.


At first glance, this could be perceived as a promo for next season of the CW’s Arrow. Stealth games are a hit or miss with me. The ones that can mix great combat with stealth mechanics that don’t punish the player for being detected with insta-fail are few and far between. I really hope this next installment in the Thief series is one of those games.

Deus Ex: The Fall

I am one of the voices out in the world that dislike touch controls when it comes to tablet and mobile games. The lack of fidelity you get with these types of controls hampers the experience of said game. Deus Ex: The Fall looks great for a mobile game and a lot of detail to the story should be there since Deus Ex: The Fall is taking place right after the novel, Deus Ex: The Icarus Effect. I would like to see this on handheld devices such as the Nintendo 3DS or PS Vita.


I play very few horror games. Not because I think they’re terrible, it’s more for the reason that I am a big baby and would have nightmares on an extreme level. Zombie Studios’ Daylight looks like something I would love to try but I would need someone in the room with me, with all the lights on. Possibly drunk as well.


I love Twisted Pixel’s humor that is in every game they develop. LocoCycle doesn’t seem to stray from that path. Something about this trailer has me thinking this is going to be one of those launch games that is made for the Kinect. It just has that vibe during the in-game footage in the trailer.


Stealth-action RPG game where you play as a vampire? I’m in! Love the cell-shaded art and the music for the trailer fits rather well. I can’t wait to hear more about this title from Kalypso.

With all these trailers plus the ones from yesterday, how much do they have left to show us?