‘Octodad: Dadliest Catch’ Finally Gets A Wii U Release Date!

Briefly: Nobody would suspect it, but I love Octodad. I even had an opportunity to interview developer Young Horses Inc. before the game released, which you can read right here.

It’s probably one of the funniest games that I’ve ever played, and it still seems as though very few people that I mention it to have even heard of it. That’s crazy.

Oh, you’re one of those people that hasn’t heard of it? Check out the hilarious trailer, and tell me that it doesn’t look unique as hell.


Yep. It’s about a Dad and husband, who is also a secret octopus. Nobody knows it, and it’s your job to keep it that way.

Young Horses has revealed that the game is finally slated to hit the Wii U in North America and Europe on October 29th, 2015. The game will be available for 20% off from October 29th-November 5th since you “awesome fans have been so patient”, meaning it’ll net you just $11/€11/£10.

The Wii U version of the game includes off-screen play, 4-Player co-op, and more, and I really can’t wait to play through this game again.

Planning to pick it up? Let us know in the comments below!