Brony Breakdown: Season 4, Episode 11 – ‘Three’s A Crowd’
OH SNAP! OH SNAP! It’s that time again! Brony Breakdown time, and do we have a great episode this week. Three’s A Crowd starts off with our special Princess Twilight getting a very anticipated letter, Princess Cadence is coming to visit! That’s right! Her sister in law, the Alicorn that is giving it to her Brother on the nightly, is coming to Ponyville to spend some nice quality time. Thats not the ONLY good news to be had, Fluttershy got a letter of approval from the Equestrian Society for The Preservation of Rare Creatures to observe one of the rarest creatures in the land, THE BREEZEY! Yeah I have no idea what that is, but I ain’t no hyper nerd like Fluttershy. She is like that weird girl in school that loved horses and only read Shojo Manga. BUT WAIT, THERES MORE! Pinkie Pie got a letter advertising a sale on used patio furniture! HOW PERFECT! Though this all seems a bit TOO perfect… Wouldn’t you agree? Well we’re here to find out! Let’s Breakdown “Three’s A Crowd”, ROLL THAT THEME SONG!
We return to find the Mane 6 on the platform of the Ponyville train station, wishing Fluttershy a bon voyage. Shes’s all decked out explorer style, and Applejack gives her a big old basket of apples.
Ya know, I’ve been meaning to bring something up about our farm fresh friend Applejack. Everyone in her family is a color of a type of apple. Big Mac is BIG RED, Granny Smith is…well granny smith, and Applebloom is a Golden Delicious. Applejack on the other hand, she’s…she’s…ORANGE! Could this mean she really comes from a family of citrus farmers from Florida, and could possibly be the heir to the Tropicana fortune? Why did she abandon her Rutaceae heritage? The world may never know.

With that, Fluttershy is off! Off to observe some animals, that is. Our ever caring Pinkie Pie chases after her proclaiming that she will never forget Fluttershy, and then is quickly distracted by a balloon. More of her WACKY RANDOMNESS! AMIRITE?!
Back at the platform we catch back up with Twilight and the rest of the gang. She is absolutely overcome with joy and worry about Cadence’s upcoming visit. Normally when Cadence and Twilight get together, there is usually some sort of world ending evil looming about. So Twilight is very anxious about this trip. She needs it to go off without a hitch, and what is the perfect way to spend the free time with her old friend? WHY AT THE TRAVELING MUSEUM FOR STAR SWIRL THE BEARDED! Her major inner nerd comes out as she gushes about the exhibits that can be expected. After this little display we are greeted with the most out of left field sound effect of the season yet. Rainbow Dash makes a very…unique sound and gesture of disgust. I had to replay this scene a few times to make sure my ears weren’t lieing to me. If you aren’t watching this show you gotta at least hear this clip.
As if on cue, the train from the Crystal Empire rolls up with Princess Cadence on it! Eagle-eyed viewers will also catch Flash-Sentry as one of the royal guards, and he gives a saucy glance to Twilight. He wants to get a piece of that Alicorn strange. Pleasantry’s are exchanged and Twilight and Cadence are off to spend the weekend together.
After their departure the rest of the gang, I guess we can call them the Mane 4 at this point, notice an odd spinning disc coming down from the sky. AND ITS HEADED RIGHT FOR THEM! They all narrowly escape sudden harm as the UFO crashes into a tree. Pinkie shouts “WHAT WAS THAT?!” and the strange disc responds; “Not a what, a who my dear!”. I recognize that voice! IT’S! IT’S!

OH SNAP HE’S BACK! BACK AGAIN! TELL A FRIEND! Discord is back and he is looking a bit sick, and if his sneeze that engulfed the tree in a blue flame is any indication of his symptoms, then he is in dire need of a doctor.
Now the current members of the Mane 4 are very ‘spicious of his intentions. Rainbow Dash wants to know why he just doesn’t stay home in bed, while Applejack just gives him THE EYE.
He lays out his intentions; he wanted to enjoy the aid and comfort from the nicest pony in town Fluttershy, but forgot she had her trip today. Turns out Discord and Fluttershy are pen pals and communicate on the reg. So of course the next best solution in her absence is having the new and improved Mane 4 take care of him! Right?! Well, urm wrong. Rainbow immediately dashes off at the thought of it. Pinkie on the other hand is more than willing, but her eagerness turns Discord off. He distracts her easily with a balloon. That leaves Rarity and Applejack to be his nurse maids.

They begrudgingly accept, but almost instantly catch his “Blue Flu”. Seems a tad bit too convenient, that all the ponies that are there to help him get eliminated. So he finds his way to Twilight and Cadence at the Star Swirl The Bearded exhibit. After the usual introductions, he begs them for help, pulling the “Friends Help Friends” card. Cadence uses her magic to cast a magic health bubble around her and Twilight so they don’t catch the flu. Another one of those instances of Dues Ex Machina. So they bring him back to Twilights house to rest, though they make a fatal mistake. They ask him if he needs anything. CUE THE MUSIC!
That whole display really put a smile on my face. John de Lancie really has that certain charm. The references in his song are numerous. That TSA joke…and THAT ENDING! He’s a maniac!

Of course Twilight immediately consults her books for a possible cure, but Discord puts a stop to all that nonsense. He tell the two Princesses that the only cure for the Blue Flu is to pick a special flower which grows atop a mountain, precisely at sunset. After a back and and forth, Discord produces a map with directions to the rare flower. His outfit looks a tad familiar…but I just can’t put it.

Too weak to make the journey himself, he hooks the two royal ponies up to a chariot of sorts, and they fly him off.
After the commercial break the trio finds themselves at the hill where the magical flower grows. And god damned its a huge flower! Like, a big ass tree sized flower. So the two Princesses use their magic to yank it out and take it back to Ponyville. BUT, there is always a but, as they are about to leave a giant scary snake monster emerges from the hole the flower resided in. Now when I saw scary snake monster, I mean scary. It’s as if the monsters from La Blue Girl and the Shai-Hulud had a fucked up love child.
The two Alicorns blast blast dat monster with their magic, and bury it back in the ground. YEAH! TEAM WORK!
Now that danger is gone and the flower in hand, they return to Discord to return to Ponyville to cure what ails him. When they get back to his chariot he find him dancing in excitement, shouting his praises for Twilight. AND IT LOOKS LIKE HE IS ALL BETTER! Turns out that bastard was faking it the whole time! Pissed as all hell, Twilight gives him a chance to explain himself before she goes all Dirty Harry on his ass.
Turns out Discord wanted to test the friendship he and Twilight have together. He pulls some very creative emotional cards, saying how much better Twilight is; highlighting his fear that he thinks Twilight is too important for him. This guy is a next level emotionally abusive kind of guy. If this wasn’t a children show, I’d say this was some pretty harsh stuff.
Twilight is crushed! Her special day with Cadence is ruined, but Cadence can’t agree with her. She says that spending the day at the Star Swirl museum would have been a nice relaxing day, but spending the day adventuring with Twilight was even better! Ya see, she doesn’t get much adventuring back at the Crystal Empire, and this series of events was just what she needed! Me thinks Discord knew more than he lead on. As everyone is hugging it out, the Hentai-Snake Monster busts up out of the ground and sneezes on the trio. Instantly getting Discord sick, this time all green with spots. Luckily for the Princesses they had that Magic Health Bubble.
Back at Ponyville Twilight recounts the days lesson. Even the most chaotic days, if spent with friends is a day well spent.
I love, love, love, love, LOVE Discord episodes. John de Lancie basically reprises his role as Q from Star Trek, and it is always a treat. His godlike powers really lend themselves to some quick and subtle jokes. All the references, especially ones that only adults would get, fit perfect into his neurotic demeanor. This episode was really full of fun the whole time, though I feel the Discord episodes are kind of a “get out of jail free card” for the writers. Need to have an episode where the moral is just some ephemeral fleeting thought? Bust out Discord.
Regardless of that, it was a blast to watch. Come for the next Brony Breakdown where we cover “Pinkie Pride”, which has Weird Al Yankovic as the special guest star! YOU JUST GOTTA FIND OUT!