Brony Breakdown: Season 4, Episode 4 – ‘Daring Don’t’
Whoa, is it that time of the week already? I’m excited, aren’t you? This episode is a huge call back to “Read It and Weep” from Season 2. The episode where Rainbowdash ends up in hospital and her only entertainment is reading some crummy old books! Turns out that she loves the novels about an adventuring Pony named Daring Do, written by Equestria’s most famous author A.K. Yearling. I hope you can see the joke in that name. Let’s get deep into this weeks episode: “Daring Don’t”
Our show opens up with Fluttershy trying to teach some baby birdies to fly. A diagram so simple a caveman could understand it is hanging up in a tree as she flaps her wings. Suddenly Rainbowdash comes zipping into frame shouting “FOUR MORE MONTHS” Ad Nauseum. When Fluttershy gets a hold of her to ask about all the shouting, we get brought up to speed. The next book in the Daring Do series from A.K. Yearling is set to hit book stores (can we expect to see it at BARNS & NOBLES?! Get it…Barns…horses…heh) in just four months! Can she wait? Well Fluttershy doesn’t think she will be able to. I really think it’s funny how the writers are portraying Rainbowdash’s extreme fandom. It’s like how I imagine some fans of MLP can be… but I can only imagine. It’s not like I would know first hand. It’s not like I have all the Happy Meal Toys, talking Celestia, multiple hand made vinyl figures, numerous shirts and even the We-Love-Fine leggings. Yeah, so I can only imagine.

Roll dat intro. We join back up with Rainbowdash as she is chattering a new countdown. Three months and 26 days. Three months and 26 days. She walks into Twilight’s library only to find everyone is having a party, WITHOUT HER! A holiday party, National Random Holiday Party Day. This is just another time where I feel Pinkie Pie’s character has just morphed more and more into “Katy t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m”, and her lines are just there to seem wacky. I know I am trying to give too much weight to a show for children, but even as a kid I found characters like this boring. Ed from Ed, Edd and Eddy comes to mind, but his moments of clarity made up for it.
Applejack tells the angry Rainbowdash that she herself came to invite her to the party, but she was way to busy re-reading the last Daring Do book. AGAIN! Cue the countdown again. Thanks Applejack. Twilight interrupts her chanting to inform her that the publisher of the Daring Do books said that they release was pushed back two whole months! Rainbowdash proceeds to lose it all over Twilights face.

The panicked super fan suddenly resorts to the ultimate level of creeper. She wants Twilight to find out where A.K. Yearling lives so they can help her with her everyday life so she may get back to writing the book. Naive Twilight agrees and the Mane 6 are off on another adventure! Next scene is one of MANY Indiana Jones references. We get a Sepia Tone map with a red line moving across it with some very suggestive music. As the team approaches the author’s house we see that Pinkie Pie has been painting a red line on the ground the entire trip. OK random Pinkie Pie…you’ve earned a few points in my book for that. When they get to the domicile we see that the whole place has been wrecked up! Everyone rushes in and begins the search for the writer. Rainbowdash’s motivation is just for more reading material and not the well being of A.K. Yearling.
A.K. demands to know who they are and what they are doing in her home, as she frantically searches for something. She finally grabs a book that seems pretty mystical if you ask me. On it are three dials forming a combination lock, A.K. Yearling flips each tumbler to the proper code…funny enough her combo is 000. The book opens up and a glowing golden ring emerges. Hmmm. I am starting to suspect the writer isn’t all she appears to be. Rainbow’s pushiness to get the next book finished ticks Twilight off and she pulls the Pegasus outside. As Twilight gives her the proverbial chewing out about invading someones privacy, a group of mean looking Stallions roll up and demand the golden ring.
A.K. Yearling rips off her dorky looking outfit to reveal that she IS Daring Do! They are one in the same! An action packed fight scene ensues, but unfortunately Daring Do is bested. The leader of the evil Hench-Ponies walks in to exclaim his victory. Dr. Caballeron (from the fourth Daring Do book) outlines his plan to sell the ring to the equally evil Ahuizotl so that he may use it to complete the Dark Tower. Twilight and Rainbowdash proceed to get into a nerd fight over the Daring Do books and spout out a buncha geek shit. I was really reminded of the Nerd fight from the cartoon Eltingville Comic Book Club (everyone should really check out this fight. Its hilarious).
The crew decides they must go and help Daring Do get the ring back. As Rainbowdash catches up with Daring Do her inner fangirl comes out and she suddenly becomes overcome with nerves. How can she keep her composure around her hero? Well she can’t, and her rambling alerts Daring Do to her presence and she gets jumped. At this point I’d like to point out how Daring Do is essentially just a pallet swap of Rainbowdash. If Rainbow was in a fighting game Daring Do would be her alternate color.

Daring Do is voiced by Chiara Zanni, and I recognized her voice right away. She is one of my favorite voice actors, and hearing her in this show was a treat. Rainbow convinces Daring Do to let her help, but her nervousness of being with her idol is going to get her in trouble. DUH OF COURSE IT IS! How is Rainbow going to grow as a character?
The duo moves onward and approaches Dr. Caballeron and his cronies (hey, that’s kind of like ponies). She devises a cunning plan, she dons a disguise and approaches the group. She offers up a nice sack of coins in exchange for the golden ring. At this moment, her arch enemy Ahuizotl (I am getting serious Mola Ram vibe from this guy) rolls up and demands the ring. Caballeron ditches the ring and scoots with the cash. Ahuizotl summons a team of evil, fierce jungle cats (and one little kitty) to attack Daring Do. An action packed fight ensues, and Daring Do is looking like she will come out ahead. The whole time Rainbow is cheering her on from the bushes. As it looks like the adventure pony is about to escape with the golden ring, Ahuizotl demands he gives her the ring. Daring Do drops a cheese filled one-liner. “Ahuizotl, you know I love you, but I can’t give you the ring until I properly propose!”. What follows is currently the most popular MLP GIF on the internet. Seriously, everyone is blowing this up.

This is one of those rare instances where the characters being animated from head on actually works out. In fact I think this is the only good one out there.
The fight rages on and Rainbowdash suddenly gets the urge to impress Daring Do. She jumps out into the open and tries to give Daring Do her hat. Her shouting is brought to the attention of Ahuizotl and he grabs the multi colored pony. This distracts Daring Do and the evil cats jump her and snag the ring! Ahuizotl takes Daring Do AND the ring to the ancient temple where the Dark Tower is. Rainbowdash is ashamed and gives up the adventure. Just as she starts on her journey back home, the rest of the Mane 6 meet up with her. She expresses her shame and defeat, and that she just wants to go home. She let down her hero. Like the good friends, Twilight and the rest try to cheer her up. Twilight says that in every Daring Do book, the ending doesn’t always appear so cut and dry and that they need to try and help Daring Do. With her new found confidence, thanks to her friends, they charge the temple in an attempt to save the adventurer.
The Mane 6 roll up right as the ceremony begins. The golden ring is the last to be placed on the tower. The tower actually looks like an ancient version of a popular childrens toy. Just off screen Rainbow saves Daring Do from a watery demise, though her lack of a thanks just reinforces her want to be a lone wolf adventurer. Back in the main chamber Ahuizotl and his guards. A comical fight ensues for the last ring, each of the different characters showcasing some sick fighting moves. Mean while Rainbowdash and Daring Do begin to take the stacking rings off the tower. As the rings get bigger they get heavier, and only with the help of Rainbowdash could Daring Do expect to get them all off. THIS IS CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT! As the fight rages the color swapped ponies manage to get the last ring off of the tower. Doing so causes the tower to crumble and our heroes barely make it out. The ring is destroyed and Daring Do thanks the crew from Ponyville and runs off to finish her book.
Rainbowdash then learns the lesson of the day, she shouldn’t get so wrapped up in other ponies favorable qualities that she forgets her own. Her exact words: “I got so wrapped up in how awesome she was that I forgot how awesome I am”. As her thought is finished, there is a knock on the door. The mailpony has a package for Rainbowdash. It’s the newest Daring Do book a whole week early! AND SHE IS ON THE COVER! So excite!
Final Thoughts
I really liked this episode. I especially appreciated all the Indiana Jones references and nods. All the background music had a very Dr. Jones feel to it. I really have to give props to the musical department on this show. The conclusion was the typical self confidence boosting message you’d expect. Believe in yourself and others will believe in you. Technically this was a filler episode, as none of the main story was touched (mysterious six keyed chest), but it was a great one. Let’s hope we start to get to the meat of the story soon. I am starting to get anxious!