WonderCon 2013 In Pictures: Day Two Cosplay
Day two of WonderCon 2013 has come to a close, and was of course an amazing experience. Our tireless team again combed every facet of the show floor (and some incredible panels, including Pacific RimĀ andĀ Evil Dead), so keep your eyes peeled for a plethora of WonderCon content in the next few days.
Today, we hosted Heroine Legends and Nobility signings, arm wrestled with Batman for prizes, and of course, caught up with some old friends, made some new ones (here’s to you, Asian Blade), and had an absolute blast. Check out the highlights from day two below (and day one here), and don’t forget to come visit booth #953 tomorrow!

And here’s a gallery featuring plenty of other amazing cosplay! Click an image for a larger version!