Revenge, Mrs. Chu Style In ‘Sleeping Dogs’ Latest Walkthrough Video

With the release of Sleeping Dogs looming, Square Enix decided to let loose another walkthrough video to tease us even more. This time, United Front Games’ Producer Dan Sochan narrates a mission that has Wei Shen doling out some street justice for Golden Koi’s owner, Mrs. Chu.

From the driving to the amazing combat scenarios that play out in the mission walkthrough, I am yearning to play Sleeping Dogs. All the points are hit for an action movie lover such as myself. Fast cars with the sense of darting in and out of traffic at really unsafe speeds, Seamless transitions from cutscene to action, fluid combat that makes Batman lurk in the dark filled with envy and story beats that any Hong Kong action film fan would be happy with. Ok, enough with the talking. Just push the damn button already!


Sleeping Dogs releases on PC, Xbox 360 and PS3 on August 14th, which is still not soon enough for me.