Episode 334: Pledge Night (1990)

It’s a new year, time to start thinking about what frat you’re going to rush and which popped collar douchbags you’re going to let verbally and physically abuse you in the name of brotherhood. Can we suggest Heta Mu Nu? We promise to only make you eat 1 butt-cherry and no calling people the f-word. Oh and the gooey ghost of Joey Belladonna may or may not be haunting our frat house so ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Our first episode of 2022 is the 1990 straight-to-video PLEDGE NIGHT, a comedy-cum-supernatural slasher written and directed by a porn director, starring people who can’t act and featuring yet another Freddy clone killer apparition, but at least it’s set in the wintertime, which is the correct season for the actual Hell Week shenanigans we still somehow let happen every year at colleges across the US. Now clean up the mess we just made, pledgie!

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