What’s Hot at Keystone Comic Con? Our Top 5 Must-See Moments!
This weekend, Geekscape’s Dennis Finocchiaro is heading to Keystone Comic Con in Philadelphia, which runs from 8/23-8/25. Here are his top five must-see moments of the upcoming convention.

5. The Cosplay. Philadelphia always comes out and puts on a crazy show when it comes to costumes at conventions. This one shouldn’t be any different! Can’t wait to see the variety and creativity.
4. Artist Alley. One of my favorite parts of a con is walking around artist alley and seeing who is represented. Some of the best conversations I’ve had at conventions were with artists and writers.
3. John Carpenter. Can’t wait to see this horror legend! His panel should be one of the more interesting I’ve been to. Halloween? Yes please! The Thing? Definitely a great movie. They Live? Sure!

2. Harry Potter Reunion: For the first time in Philadelphia, Ginny, Fred and George Weasley, (Bonnie Wright, James Phelps & Oliver Phelps) are having a Q&A and I cannot wait. Being a huge Harry Potter fan, this is a must-see moment of the con for me. Of course, I’d rather my personal favorite from Harry Potter, Neville, come to Philly for a visit, but this should be epic.

1 – Tom Holland. He would have been #2 on this list, but after all of the drama between Sony and Disney over Spider-man, this has been moved to number 1. The kid known for spoilers might not know much, or maybe he has the inside scoop. He is speaking Sunday, and it is sure to be a big moment.

In the Philly area? Will you be headed to KeyStone Comic-Con? Let us know what you’re excited to see!