SDCC 2019: ‘Snowpiercer’ Bug Bars Mark Some Of The Coolest Swag Of The Con!
Briefly: Whatever your priorities are at SDCC this year (mine, as always are catching my favourite WWE superstars at the Mattel / WWE panel, and picking up an assortment of amazing screenprints at the Mondo booth), you’re going to work up an appetite at inopportune times, and you’re going to want to have some small, prepackaged snacks on hand to satiate that hunger.
Granola bars are a great portable snack, but what if I told you that there’s an even cooler (and more daring) option on the show floor itself?
There’s a Snowpiercer television series in the works over at TBS which is set to premiere next spring (and has already been confirmed for a second season), and the company has set up a neat little booth over at #4215 (just a stone’s throw away from Geekscape #3919). Basically, you jump in line, type your email into one of three vending machines, watch a video that shows you bugs being essentially mushed up and turned into food (just like in the movie / graphic novel!), and then the vending machine spits out a beat little branded protein bar. A protein bar… made of crickets.
Also, apparently crickets are considered crustaceans, so if you have a shellfish allergy you should absolutely not eat it.
In any case, every year it seems like there’s a super neat, clever piece of simple swag that really stands out at me. This year, it’s the Snowpiercer cricket bars, which have absolutely piqued my interest in the upcoming series.
Fans present in San Diego should also note that Snowpiercer will also have a panel on Saturday, July 20 featuring stars Jennifer Connelly, Daveed Diggs, Alison Wright, Mickey Sumner, Lena Hall, Steven Ogg and executive producer and showrunner Graeme Manson from 3:00 p.m. – 3:50 p.m. in the Indigo Ballroom at the Hilton San Diego Bayfront
Here’s a few photos of what you can see at the booth:

Side note: Our pal Eric Francisco Of Inverse is the biggest Snowpiercer fan I know, and I just wish he could be here to experience this.