Welcome to “Marvel Mania Hollywood” – The Restaurant That Time Forgot!
With the success of The Avengers and the upcoming release of The Amazing Spider-Man, Marvel fandom is at an all time high. But there was a time, only 10 years ago, when this wasn’t the case, when the idea of having our favorite Marvel characters inhabiting our cinema screens and being widely accepted as cool was merely a dream. In that day, before the X-Men and Spider-Man films blew the doors open, there was still a place you could go to see your favorite Marvel characters in real life… and maybe even share a drink with them!
In November of 1998, at Universal Studios, the Marvel Mania Restaurant opened its doors for business. It offered food and drinks based on almost every Marvel hero (and villain!) that you could imagine. Sadly, it was closed less than a year later, in September of 1999. What happened? Why did it go under? What fiends were responsible (I’m guessing the chefs and the prices…)?
We may never know. But here, Geekscape has provided scans of the two original menus for you to look over… so that you can dream of a day, before Marvel was widely accepted as cool, when you could feed your feelings of geekdom alongside its largest symbols.
Personally, I’m a fan of “Doc Ock’s Wok”. What’re your favorites off the menu?
Bonuses: Jonathan and his wife Laura read over the menu in this episode of Geekscape. You can also download the Kids Menu here as a PDF, compliments of TheStudioTour.com!